Education Issues and Answers

Pink Floyd got rich by singing We Don’t Need No Education, but they were so wrong. We need education now more than ever. We just need to address the education issues. Our International Private School eliminates school shootings, school bullying, and school racial biases. We promote actual education where students are taught the truth based on facts and NOT on opinions.

Public Education Issues:

School bullying
  1. One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Public education often has a one-size-fits-all approach, which doesn’t cater to the individual needs and interests of each student. This approach can lead to students falling behind and feeling unmotivated.
  2. Classroom Distractions: Public schools can be a hub of distractions that can hinder a student’s learning experience. These distractions include noisy classrooms, disruptive students, and unnecessary interruptions.
  3. Bullying: Public schools can expose students to bullying, which can negatively impact their mental health, self-esteem, and academic performance.
  4. Limited Flexibility: Public schools follow a rigid schedule that can leave little room for flexibility. This can be an issue for students who have other commitments, such as extracurricular activities or medical appointments.

Pros of Home Education:

  1. Personalized Curriculum: Home education allows parents to tailor the curriculum to their child’s unique needs, strengths, and interests. This approach can lead to a more effective and enjoyable learning experience.
  2. Individual Attention: Home education enables parents to provide individual attention to their child or children. This can be especially beneficial for students who require extra support or have special needs.
  3. Safe Learning Environment: Home education creates a safe learning environment free from distractions and negative influences.
  4. Flexible Schedule: Home education provides a flexible schedule that allows students to pursue other interests and commitments outside of schoolwork.
Virtual Education

Pros of Virtual Education:

  1. Personalized Learning: Virtual education provides a personalized learning experience that allows students to learn at their own pace and cater to their unique interests.
  2. Accessible: Virtual education is accessible to students who live in remote or rural areas, allowing them to access quality education from anywhere.
  3. Safe Learning Environment: Virtual education eliminates the distractions and negative influences that can be present in public schools.
  4. Affordable: Virtual education is often more affordable than traditional public or private schools. It is now a more accessible option for families on a budget.

Our BrainFood Online Private School Program

Since this is a private school, there is a fee to attend. But compared to other private schools, the price is very low and reasonable. Also, as a classified private school, your state may issue grants or other funding for alternative private school education. We have done everything possible to address the current education issues.

To get access to the curriculum, the cost is $99 a month per family. This enables you to get access to the information available for you to do your own homeschool program. However, if you would like your child to attend the actual online classes with a certified instructor, there is an additional cost.

This cost allows you access to Zoom instructions with the teacher of your choosing with the subject that you need. Also, if you miss a class, you will then get access to the video recording of that class. Below you will find the cost for each grade. Of course, our kindergarten class will be free on Zoom with just the initial $99 monthly fee.

  • 1st Grade $109 Monthly
  • 2nd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 3rd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 4th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 5th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 6th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 7th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 8th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 9th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 10th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 11th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 12th Grade $129 Monthly

In conclusion, the traditional public education system has its limitations and may not be the best fit for every student. Home and virtual education alternatives provide more flexibility, personalization, and safety, making them viable alternatives to consider. Ultimately, the decision on how to educate your child should be based on what works best for your family, taking into account your child’s individual needs, interests, and values. No more education issues.

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