While marketing is not all that I do, it is a rewarding part of my work. Most of us wear many hats. I am a minister, a father, a husband, a grandpa, a Christian, a singer, and a marketer. Secondarily, I am also a first aid tech, a computer tech, an accountant, and the list goes on. When you ask me which one of these hats gives me the most joy my answer will be “Yes!” They all provide joy in different ways that add up to a very joyous lifestyle.
Of course, my first responsibility is to my Lord and He provides, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” He also provides so many other blessings that are too numerous to count. My second responsibility is to my family. Always has been and always will be. My prayer is that I show them that love in every aspect of my life.
What’s the big deal about being a Marketer?
As a marketer, I have the opportunity to share amazing products and services with those who are looking for those products and services. I don’t have to stock inventory, I don’t have to do any billing or shipping, or selling! I simply get to tell others about the products and services provided by companies with which we have contracts for marketing and get paid to do so. It allows me to work as much or as little as I want to so that I can continue to wear all my other hats. I can also work from home or from the beach or anywhere I happen to be as long as I have a computer and internet service. It gives me so much freedom that other things can’t provide.
Why do I Love What I do so much?
As a marketer working with this wonderful family of marketers known as RRR247 I have so many opportunities to help others achieve their dreams of financial and time freedom. Come join my team!
We are here to make the World a Better Place. And while hopes and prayers are effective; nothing beats true Resources applied to the Hopes and Prayers. CONTACT US for more details and to become a larger part of the “Pay It Forward” Online Community that we are all about.